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Thrive - Specialised Women's Wellbeing Programs

"I feel like I not only discovered a missing piece of the puzzle, but a missing part of me." Jackie

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Our Programs

The Thrive Program has been developed by Tara Darlington having worked with over 1500 women through their fertility, pregnancy, birth, and parenting journeys over the past 20 years,  having 6 children of her own, and recently having navigated her own immense loss.

The program brings a unique combination of yoga, healing, mentoring, and connection connection together to create a magical paradigm shift that will ripple through your life.


It's about stepping off the road to exhaustion and depletion. It about deciding to stop trying to be everything to everyone. It's about getting rid of the endless to-do lists and being busy-being-busy approach to life. It is about turning profound life events into an opportunity for healing and growth (and a miraculously healthier pelvic floor, amongst other things!).


It's about immersing deeper into the self so that you can tap into your creative intelligence, your innate matrichal leadership skills, and the collective wisdom of the deep feminine so that you and your family can thrive on all levels. 

It's about creating a paradigm shift for women, motherhood, family and community so you can 

"live a life you love and love the life you live" Bob Marley.

It's a paradigm shift beautifully packaged to suit your needs.

That will bring joy, love and magic back into your daily life.

Our Programs

Wellbeing is a way of life. Move out of depletion, exhaustion, and the "busy-being-busy" mentality. Find more energy, joy and flow in your everyday life.

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Thrive Skool
Community : Courses : Coaching

Subscribe to a new way of being.


Thrive Skool is an online portal to a new you. This is the ultimate self-care platform with women's health, women's voices, and women's lives at the core. Thrive Skool delivers courses, community and coaching to support you through the profound life changes of womanhood and motherhood. It encompasses yoga and meditation, the lunar cycles, and all the many hats that we wear as women and mothers.

Includes monthly Dark Moon Mini Retreat - live zoom and recorded

Learn more

$27 USD per month

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Thrive Healing
1:1 Session

Yoga healing is graceful, gentle, and transformative. Clear stuck or heavy energy, and connect back to inner peace, joy, and vitality. This is a 2-hour session that includes yoga breathing, deep relaxation, intuitive counselling, and the power of the deep feminine.


Clients say they feeler clearer, lighter, and more themselves again. 

Psychology is discovering that these practices are the most transformative for stress, anxiety, trauma, loss,  depression, and exhaustion.

Book now

$225 AUD

for a 2-hour in-person or zoom session

Thrive Coaching
Private 6-week Course

6-week program that takes you on a journey of recovery, reconnection, and recalibration.  This program includes yoga, healing, and mentoring tailored to your personal needs to support you through profound life changes unique to being a woman and a mother.

Tara has worked extensively and successfully with women suffering pelvic floor prolapse, birth trauma, grief and loss, as well burnout, maternal depletion, and exhaustion.

Talk to Tara to learn more.

Book a free consutaltation with Tara

$1200 AUD, includes 3 months access to Thrive Skool.

OR get a group of friends together and share the cost.

What's involved?


Yoga & Meditation

Unwind, untangle, settle the mind and bring peace and union to mind body and soul through restorative yoga practices, specialised for women's health and wellbeing.


Realign and strengthen your core and posture through breathing, yoga, and increased body-mind-breath awareness.


Lunar Cycles

Tuning in to the lunar and seasonal cycles is probably one of the most powerful self-care practices women can engage in.


Learn to ebb and flow with the cycles and seasons of nature and life. Gracefully flowing between inward self-nurturing and outward social engagement. Your cup will be full with energy, joy, purpose, and connection.


Community & Coaching

You were never supposed to do this called life on your own. Tap into the collective wisdom and let it be the wind beneath your wings.

Being "independent" can be lonely and exhausting. Join our nurturing, nourishing, and "full of life" tribe. 

It takes a village...

What Our Clients Say

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Linda, Master Landscape Gardener, Mother of 2 earth babies and one angel 

..I feel like I've been revived.  I have my energy, my love of life and most importantly, my love of me back."

Who is this for?

Honestly, it's for all women.  It's the paradigm shift we've all been waiting for.

But here's a few specifics, anyway.

Do you feel there must be a better way to do this thing called motherhood and life?

You're not alone, there is another way and I'm here to show you how.

Do you feel unsupported, isolated or alone?

Feeling isolated, breastfeeding problems and too much conflicting advice are known contributors to Post Natal Depression.

Are you experiencing UTI, pelvic floor issues, prolapse, lack of confidence or lack of energy?

Your pelvic floor is in the base chakra, so its related to your sense of safety, security, value and contribution.

Do you feel overwhelmed, disorientated or confused?

When you lose the sense of self, you also lose your celestial compass.

Are you experiencing grief, loss, birth trauma, PTSD, PND or anxiety?

Our society sweeps grief and trauma under the carpet. This makes it unfamiliar and we quite simply don't know what to do.

Are you ready to connect to something deeper and more meaningful?

Many women feel underwhelmed by the transition into motherhood.

Are you exhausted, depleted, overstretched and under resourced?

Time to stop trying to be everything toe everyone and stretching yourself too thin.

Have you got so many balls in the air, self-care or me-time feels like another job on the endless to-do list?

If self-care is another thing on your to-so list, you'll always be chasing something elusive.

Are you heading towards burn out from the mental load of motherhood?

Burnout is an endemic problem in parents, and in motherhood it's often rooted in depletion.

Are you ready for a new way of being and doing?

Motherhood is a leadership role.  Are you ready to step into a new paradigm where your focus is on what lifts you up, lights you up and loves you up?

If you answer yes to even one of these questions, make a time to learn more.

Book a time for an obligation-free chat with Tara to see if this is right for you.

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